Where do you go for inspiration? When you need to solve a problem? When you’re feeling stuck? When you want to smash a co-worker’s or boss’s head through a glass window? When you need to step away from your desk to get some perspective? For me…….I get outside. My two go-to places are a nice 20-30 mile bike ride and/or a visit to one of two local labyrinths. When I need to just think freely that’s what I do.

But let’s back up a minute………………………………………

As far back as I can remember I saw the value of getting out of the office/meeting room/conference room and going off on a little adventure when some inspiration in the name of ideation, bonding and problem solving was needed. It started back in my accounting and finance days when I worked for Avon in Rye, NY.

Rye Playland, a local amusement park, was a short walk from the office. And when spring sprung and the park opened for the season you could find me and a few co-workers walking down to the park at lunch time to for a couple of rides on the famous Dragon Coaster. (Note: this was back in the day when you could buy per ride tix) We bonded. We bitched. We shared work frustrations. We shared work successes. We laughed. We offered ideas when challenges were presented. Well you get my point.

But the bright light came on the day someone who joined us was, let’s just say, not one of my favorite people. Nor was I one of his. The short story was he was all about appearance and sucking up and I had zero patience for that. Still feel that way. But a 20 minute walk to and from the park and two rides (in the same car) on the Dragon Coaster changed all that. He was actually a lot of fun. We actually had a lot in common; other than our approach to workplace behavior. I no longer dreaded having to have to talk to him when he needed explanations about his department’s results. I also noticed he started coming directly to me when he needed information – versus going to my boss who would just send him to me. No amount of forced or contrived teambuilding event could have resulted in this.

So when we came out of the Plague of 2020 and after a few successful “Adventures” with clients I made the decision to put the focus of my work on getting people away from the four walls and outside to environments that are (as far I’m concerned) more conducive to surfacing creativity, brainstorming new ideas, problem solving, team building organically, and so much more. And while I’m still keynoting and doing four-walled stuff, almost everyone I’ve taken outside has agreed……that was so valuable and fun. And in the words of a few……… that was THE BEST CONFERENCE SESSION EVER!

Wanna learn more about why your meeting attendees need to get out of the four-walled depressing meeting room and into an environment that’ more conducive to ideation, problem solving and bonding?????? Click here and let’s connect!

In the meantime I’ve got some reflecting and thinking to do.