Things to get you thinking about things
I’m not doing this anymore is harder than you think.
A good friend of mine works in educational sales. This morning she was telling (bitching to) me about the number of cold calls she typically makes in a week. I asked about the conversion rate. Abysmal is being kind. Now in fairness there are bunch of factors...
Businesses with a little edge are memorable
This past Saturday I participated in a 100 mile charity cycling event along one of the safest places to ride in Florida - The Withlacoochie Trail. It's a 46 mile paved trail with minimal road crossings. End to end twice with an added 8 mile section and boom........100...
June 19, 2025 is Recess At Work Day!
20+ years ago I had an idea. Let's create a "holiday" to improve employee morale. I called it Recess At Work Day. It would take place every year on the 3rd Thursday in June. Let's take a break from the norm (definition of Recess) and have a bit of a celebration of...
Is more and bigger always better?
Is more better? Is bigger better? When you talk to some business leaders they will say yes. But I've seen many a business that realized that was not the case for them. Recently I was having a conversation with an association executive who was struggling with...
Doing something new is SCARY!
It's 2024. Call them resolutions, goals, promises, commitments, plans, whatever. I'm seeing lots of posts once again how you're radically gonna change. Guess what? You probably won't. These things take time. We're all a work in progress. And sometimes we all start to...
My two ideas to make airport time fun
Every so often I find myself with way too much time to kill in an airport. Performing a search for things to do in an airport offers results like these: get a massage shop grab a meal at a restaurant other than the food court style ones check out artwork and other...
Pens up. Phones down. An old approach to identifying and implementing new ideas.
Phones away. Silenced. Turned off. Whatever. How's that for an idea worth sharing. That's my first "suggestion" when I take a group off on the Adventure known as Best Conference Session Ever. (I'd love to call it a rule but you'd be surprised how many people just...
I don’t know is not an answer when a boy wants his Krimpets!
Any form of "I don't know" should NEVER be an answer to a customer. Never. "Let me find out" is a great response to a customer. "I'm not sure but let me check with someone who does" is a great response. "Let's figure out how we can get this resolved" is a great...
5 Reasons Learning Should Be Moved Outdoors
The Plague of 2020 taught all of us one very important thing.......... The importance of being outdoors for one's physical, emotional and mental health. It's also why I emerged on the other side of the plague with a renewed vigor to keep up something I had started a...
If You’re Not Having Fun It’s Your Own Fault
Were you ever having such a lousy time somewhere you couldn't wait to leave???? Well that's one way to look at. Last night I went to a free comedy show at a local coffee house. The comedians, who supposedly performed at some poular venues and who were supposed social...